HCG Rapid Fat Loss Diet Injections

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced in women during pregnancy that helps them to break down body fat as energy for the fetus. Evidence indicates that this behavior of HCG allows a patient to engage in short-term, highly restrictive dieting without experiencing the metabolic downsides that often accompany such large calorie deficits. By combining HCG daily shots with high-calorie deficits, under the observation of a treating physician, one can safely lose drastic amounts of weight in a short period of time, averaging from 1-2 lb a day for 30 days*.  We recommend the HCG Elevation Diet typically consisting of 800-1000 calories, with only 120 of those calories coming from carbohydrates.

HCG Diet Program

The original HCG protocol for weight loss was developed by Dr. A. T. W Simeons of Salvador Mundi International Hospital, in Rome, Italy, in the late 1950s and ’60s.  Dr. Simeons realized that regularly timed small doses of HCG in the average person, both men, and women, would have the same effect in mobilizing approximately 2000 calories worth of stored energy, or 1 lb of body fat, to make the fat available for use by the body.

The benefits of HCG

With HCG, your body has a constant and steady supply of energy. This keeps you from feeling hungry, tired, weak, or irritable.  HCG also improves your metabolism.  When dieting without HCG, and especially when eating only a couple of meals a day, your body thinks you are starving. As a result, your metabolism slows down, you may become hungry all the time, and your body begins to store any extra calories it may get because it does not know when the next meal will come, or if the meal will be big enough to satisfy your body’s nutritional requirements. When you are done dieting without HCG, your body stays in that defensive mode from increased hungry, decreased metabolism, and storing all the calories the body can until you have gained back all of the weight that has been lost, oftentimes even more.  The body has this defense mechanism of storing fat as a precaution in the event that you should ever “starve” again, or in other words, go on another diet.  However, your body does not enter “starvation mode” with the HCG shots diet.  On the HCG rapid weight loss program from Elevation, a natural hormone is telling your body to mobilize and utilize its own reserves, filling the bloodstream with a constant supply of energy and nutrients from the breakdown of fat.  The fat which gets released to be used as energy enables you to lose a rapid amount of fat while minimizing muscle loss.  For most overweight individuals, HCG will enable you to lose a pound or more each day until you reach a healthy weight.    

What is the difference between phentermine and HCG for weight loss? Please see our HCG Diet vs Phentermine Diet page for more details.

*Averages of HCG shots diet program are based on patients starting with 100 pounds or more of excess body fat who follow the HCG program and adhere to an 800-1000 Calories per day restrictive diet.