Site icon Elevation Medical Weight Loss

Losing Weight & Feeling Younger with Sermorelin

To make an appt, call us or schedule an appointment online here
Elevation Medical Weight Loss of Pittsburgh & Weirton
 2350 Noblestown Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15205 (412) 304-2016 
241 Three Springs Dr. Weirton, WV 26062 (304) 914-3112

Here is a testimonial from a client who has been using Sermorelin injections over the past 3 months.

“My mother always said it would catch up to me…

I was pretty thin most of my life and due to my active lifestyle working with horses I would eat anything I wanted and never gain a pound! All that changed after my forties and added stress from the new desk job and life in general led to an increase of some 50 lbs. I tried to diet, even got a membership at Planet Fitness for over a year, but nothing worked until I found Elevation Weight Loss!

After only a few short months I had lost 46 pounds! My size 16 became a 6 just in time for the holidays and celebrations and I couldn’t be happier with my health either! I was facing type II diabetes and the possibility of needing medications daily. Then I was told my bone density was decreasing rapidly and I was completely vitamin B deficient! The B complex injections helped my energy levels and adding the fat burned helped me keep up with my daily chores but I really noticed the difference when I decided to try Sermorelin! Dr. Cooper was so kind and informative, who knew that talking about a diet and activity plan could be so much fun? I learned that my body was producing less human growth hormone and combined with the weight gain and energy loss my body was becoming ill. After the first month, I wasn’t sure it was for me, but then it started to melt away like butter!

I intend to continue using Sermorelin to maintain my health and weight, after all, how could a naturally occurring hormone cause any harm? As a therapist, I have done extensive research on many of the newer diet medications and believe the natural products are not only the safest but also don’t have unwanted side effects comparatively.  It’s so refreshing to know there are alternatives to the big pharm products and diet fads; besides, having Dr. Cooper as your own personal health coach is the best bonus of all!

The Grateful Graduate,

Nikki F.

“From 186 lbs. (picture right) and too embarrassed to have my picture taken out of the water …

To 140 lbs. in five short months! My confidence has improved and my health couldn’t be better! Thanks Dr. Cooper!”


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